Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Personal Care Products Warning!

Are they in the products you currently use? It’s time to check. Go grab your containers of skin care products and check them against the following …

Ingredient Use

Parabens Heavily used preservatives in the cosmetic industry; used in an estimated 13,200 cosmetic and skin care products. Studies implicate their connection with cancer because their hormone-disrupting qualities mimic estrogen and could disrupt your body’s endocrine system.
Mineral Oil, Paraffin, and Petrolatum

These petroleum products coat the skin like plastic – clogging pores and creating a build-up of toxins. They can slow cellular development, creating earlier signs of aging. They’re implicated as a suspected cause of cancer. Plus, they can disrupt hormonal activity. When you think about black oil pumped from deep underground, ask yourself why you’d want to put that kind of stuff on your skin…
Sodium laurel or lauryl sulfate (SLS), also known as sodium laureth sulfate (SLES)
Found in over 90% of personal care products! They break down your skin’s moisture barrier, potentially leading to dry skin with premature aging. And because they easily penetrate your skin, they can allow other chemicals easy access.
SLS combined with other chemicals may become a "nitrosamine" – a potent carcinogen.


Found in many facial creams.

Linked to mammary tumors.

Propylene glycol

Common cosmetic moisturizer and carrier for fragrance oils.

May cause dermatitis and skin irritation. May inhibit skin cell growth. Linked to kidney and liver problems.

Phenol carbolic acid

Found in many lotions and skin creams.

Can cause circulatory collapse, paralysis, convulsions, coma, and even death from respiratory failure.
Dioxane Hidden in ingredients such as PEG, polysorbates, laureth, ethoxylated alcohols. Very common in personal care products.
These chemicals are often contaminated with high concentrations of highly volatile 1,4-dioxane that’s easily absorbed through the skin. Its carcinogenicity was first reported in 1965, and later confirmed in studies including one from the National Cancer Institute in 1978. Nasal passages are considered extremely vulnerable, making it, in my opinion, a really bad idea to use these things on your face.
May be very poisonous! Made from petroleum and coal tar… found in most synthetic fragrances.

Chronic exposure linked to anemia, lowered blood cell count, liver or kidney damage…May affect a developing fetus.

Question of the week!

Did/do you let your baby cry it out? If not, what alternative method did you use and at what age? Was it successful?

Christmas Miracle

Mom and Baby Die during labor on Christmas, then REVIVED!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Happy Holidays from NMF!

Hope everyone enjoys their time off with the kiddies :)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Empowering moms

(CNN) -- Seven months into her pregnancy with her fourth child, Joy Szabo's obstetrician gave her some news she didn't want to hear: Because she'd had a previous Caesarean section, the hospital where she planned to deliver was insisting she have another one.

Szabo wanted a vaginal delivery, and argued with hospital executives, but they stood firm: They refused to do vaginal births after Caesareans (VBACs) because they have a slightly higher risk for complications.

After they lost that fight, Szabo and her husband, Jeff, made an unusual decision. About three weeks before her due date, Szabo moved nearly six hours away from their home in Page, Arizona, to Phoenix to give birth at a hospital that does permit women to have VBACs.

In the end, the Szabos got the birth they wanted. On December 5, their son Marcus Anthony was born in Phoenix via an uncomplicated vaginal delivery, weighing seven pounds and 13 ounces.

Read more about the Szabos' fight to have the birth they wanted

Thanks for the link Kelly :)

Personalized message from Santa!

Your kids will love this! Thanks Jodi :)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Question of the week!

At what age did you first take your child(ren) to a movie in the theater? How was the experience, and any tips you can recommend to help them sit through the whole thing?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

New addition!

Joshua John

Born 12-3-2009 at 4:22pm
weighing in at 7lbs 6oz and 21 1/4 in long.

Congratulations Nicole & John
and proud big sister Molly!

Brown paper packages tied up with strings...

Green Tip: Americans throw away 78.5 million tons of packaging annually, making up roughly one third of all solid waste in landfills. It may be what’s inside the package that counts, but what’s outside matters too. Look for alternatives like recycled-paper wrap or make your “wrap” a gift in itself by giving your packages in reusable shopping bags. Lessen your environmental impact and save trees this season!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Question of the week...

What's on your wish list this season?

Friday, December 4, 2009

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Great gift ideas on a budget!

Through Dec 1st, Amazon is offering $5 subscriptions on some great magazines, including Real Simple, Food & Wine, Southern Living, etc.
Click here to check it out!

Monday only - Pottery Barn is offering free monogramming and shipping on 100+ items, such as the locket keychain shown here for $15.

Know of any other great deals? Leave a comment!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Question of the week: Holiday travel w/ kids

How do you keep your kids occupied on long car or plane rides?

Any suggestions (logistical or otherwise) for moms flying w/ kids for the first time?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

(last minute) Thanksgiving craft idea :)

My daughter came home from preschool today with a "My Thankfulness bag" - I assume meant for me & my hubby? and I thought it would be a cute & easy craft to put together for your kids to give to grandparents, etc.

There was a poem and 4 items included:

"Thank You"
Thank you for your loving care,
And the kindness that you share,
For helping me to learn & grow,
And showing me all that you know.
That is why I want to say,
"Thank You" in the biggest way!

Thankful bag ingredients:
1. a candy kiss - to say thank you for all your love
2. a warm fuzzy - to make you feel good when you are sad, like you always do for me.
3. an adhesive bandage - to say thank you for all the times you make my hurts feel better.
4. a facial tissue - to say thank you for all the times you dry my tears.

Happy Thanksgiving :)

Winter Donations from November Meeting

Thanks to everyone who donated hats/mittens/gloves/scarves at our November meeting. I turned half of them into a local clothing bank today and gave the other half to the Goodfellows campaign at East Middle School. We'll be putting them in with the packages our kids put together at school for needy kids in the area. Good work NMF :)

Stork Craft Crib Recall

Nov. 24, 2009 -- After four U.S. infants died while trapped in the cribs, 2.2 million drop-side cribs made by Stork Craft -- including 147,000 with the Fisher-Price logo -- have been recalled.

It's far from the first time that child entrapment has led the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission to recall drop-side cribs.

CPSC chair Inez Tenenbaum is now considering banning this type of product, says CPSC spokeswoman Nychelle Fleming.

"We have had other drop-side crib recalls, and the chairman is proposing to write regulations in the next few months to address the bigger issue of drop-side cribs," Fleming tells WebMD.

The current recall is the largest crib recall in CPSC history. It includes only cribs with plastic hardware made by Stork Craft Manufacturing Inc. of British Columbia, Canada. Stork Craft drop-side cribs made with metal rods are not part of the recall.

The recall includes more than 1.2 million cribs sold in the U.S. and nearly 1 million sold in Canada.

CPSC, Health Canada, and Stork Craft have learned of 110 incidents in which the drop-side of the cribs became detached: 67 incidents in the U.S. and 43 in Canada.

All four of the deaths involved infants who smothered while trapped when the crib hardware detached and the child slipped between the side of the crib and the mattress. They included:

  • A 6-month-old in Summersville, W.Va.
  • A 7-month-old in Gouveneur, N.Y.
  • A 7-month-old in New Iberia, La.
  • A 9-month-old in Bronx, N.Y.

Other injuries include 20 falls from cribs, with injuries ranging from bruises to concussion.

more info:

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Another Question of the Week

What are your Thanksgiving traditions? Anything you do special with or for your kids?

Friday, November 20, 2009

Question of the week!

Do you shop on Black Friday? If so, how early do you leave? What big sales are on your itinerary this year?

Monday, November 16, 2009

How does Santa really know who is naughty or nice?

The answer is finally revealed in...The Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition. The Elf on the Shelf is an activity the entire family will enjoy. Based on the tradition Carol Aebersold began with her family in the 1970s, this cleverly rhymed childrens book explains that Santa knows who is naughty and/or nice because he sends a scout elf to every home. During the holiday season, the elf watches children by day and reports to Santa each night. When children awake, the elf has returned from the North Pole and can be found hiding in a different location. This activity allows The Elf on the Shelf to become a delightful hide-and-seek game. The Elf on the Shelf gift set INCLUDES A SCOUT ELF from the North Pole, a hardbound CHILDRENS BOOK and a KEEPSAKE BOX for easy storage.

(I found this at Nordstrom this weekend and thought it was too cute not to share! The saleslady said it sells out every year. It's also available at and I think this was mentioned by an NMF blogger last year, but I can't remember who?)

A word about meeting fees ~

If you did not pay the yearly fee of $60 over the summer, you have the option to pay $40 for the 7 remaining meetings of the NMF "year": Nov 09 (this Friday!), and Jan - June 2010. Alternately, you can continue to pay $10/meeting as you attend, but we've found that many forget to pay (and then have to pay double the next month) and/or we forget to announce the collection envelope. We set up the yearly fee option to make it easier on everyone...and as a cost save for our regulars! That said, we are considering eliminating dues next year. This would also mean that we would have to eliminate raffles, prizes, speakers that cost money, beverages, websites, etc. We would have to keep it really simple. We will keep you posted on our plan for next year. :)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Question of the week (yes, another one :)

In honor of finally breaking down this morning and listening to 100.3!...What are your favorite Holiday songs and movies? Both traditional and modern-day?

Thursday, November 12, 2009


How do new moms find time to work out?? Trying to loose the baby weight is sooo hard when you are sleep deprived and busy with the kids all day. I would love to hear your tips!!!

Question of the week!

What are some of your holiday traditions? Foods? Activities? Crafts?

Do you participate in any charity events around the holidays? Could you recommend a charity idea that would be suitable for a three year old?

A sampling from our October meeting on Holiday crafts & party foods...

We had a great time! There were many other yummies & fun crafts other than what's pictured - thanks to everyone for contributing. And a special thanks to Amy for opening up her beautiful home to us :) If anyone would like the recipes/instructions for any of the items shown, leave a comment and we'll get back to you.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Question of the week!

What do you find to be the most effective discipline method(s)? i.e. time outs, counting to x, spanking (gasp!), etc. Please include the age of your children and also let us know if you have any book recommendations on the subject.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Question of the week!

Now that Halloween's over, let's talk Holiday shopping! What were some of your kids' favorite Holiday (or birthday) gifts from years past? We'd especially love suggestions for toys with staying power or ones that have "grown" with them.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Donate your extra Halloween loot!

Want to thin out your kids' Trick or Treating stash? Spillane & Reynolds Orthodontics (in Novi, 10 Mile/Taft) will buy it from you! November 2-5, bring your candy to the office and they will pay you $1 per pound, cash. They will take all the goodies you bring in and give them to Operation Gratitude, which ships it over seas to our Armed Forces...who likely don't have any Snickers or Smarties lying around. Bring them your candy and help support our Troops!

If you know of any other dentists doing this in your area, please leave a comment :)

Question of the week!

You may have heard about Disney's announcement that they would refund money to parents who bought "Baby Einstein" videos between June 5, 2004, and Sept. 5, 2009 — the move came in the wake of a threatened class-action lawsuit for allegedly marketing the videos as something that will make children smarter.

Do you/have you used Baby Einstein videos with your own kids? What are your thoughts on this?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Family Photographers

Now is the time to get your family photos for those anticipated Holiday Cards!
Post in the comment section with any recommendations you have!!!

I (Maria) would like to recommend:

Friday, October 23, 2009

Welcome Lana Eileen

Lana Eileen

August 30th, 2009

at 10:23 am

7 pounds, 11 ounces and 20 inches

Danielle, Kevin and Lana's big brothers are

loving life at home with their little girl!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Blog is Back!!

We've decided to come back to the blog and cancel our other interactive website. Please email Danielle or Amy any interesting things you would like us to post :)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Question of the week!

What is one thing you gave up when you became a mom? Spa Trips? Shopping Sprees? Fancy Shoes? Etc.?

New Addition!

Ashley Kay Gut
June 3, 2009
8 lbs 7 ozs
21 inches

From New Mom Corey: "Ashley loves to cuddle and is already super bossy - she is taking lessons from big sis Addison who is CEO of bossy-land!" ;)

Saturday, July 4, 2009

New Addition!

Mia Love
6:31 pm
7 lb 11 oz and 20.5 "
Quote From New Mom Melissa:
"Our little Mia was well worth the wait! We are loving life as parents"

Friday, July 3, 2009

New Addition!

Katherine Frances
7 lbs. 15 oz
20.5 inches
From New Mom Kelly:
"Baby Kate joins big sister Tess at home, who is thrilled to have a new baby (but keeps calling her "him"!?) We're working on that, but in general have been surprised how much more calm and relaxed we are with a second baby. Life is good!"

New Addition!

Cameron William
8 lbs. 10 oz
20.5 inches

From New Mom Nicole:
"Life with Cameron is amazing. So far, he seems like such a laid back little guy and he definitely has a big sister who loves him dearly! Life is wonderful!"

New Addition!

Morgan Jean
Born 06-10-09
10 lbs 6 oz
22 inches long
From new mom Holly:
"Everyone is adjusting well. Big sister Addison likes to help... when she wants to!"

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Baby Astrology!

"Will a Gemini baby be talking early? You bet. How about that Aquarius baby playing with Moms computer already? Hey, these tykes are born techies! The stars can offer valuable insights into even the youngest minds. Scan the profiles to see whether your baby might be the next President of the United States (if she's a Leo, she might) or a captain of industry (that's a Capricorn's lot). Better yet, read up on whether or not your baby will cry all night (afraid that's the Cancer). Feeding tips, too. Sheesh, those Stars are smart! "

Read about your baby's horoscope:

Check out this site!

Do you need BPA free breast pumping accessories, supplies or freezer bags? This site has all of that and more! Check it out:

Monday, June 29, 2009

Bug Repellent

(From Shannon at HMN)

New on the market are Vitamin B-1 wipes or patches. I think the name is Don't Bite Me. The idea is that it has no smells and gets right into the blood stream as to not make you or your child so yummy to bugs.

I have not tried them yet but sounds safe and good......otherwise make sure your child is taking a good multivitamin with b-1 and keep the sugar down and they won't be so yummy to bugs!

Question of the week!

Name your favorite products:



Kids (sunscreen, lotion, bug spray, wipes, diaper cream, etc.?):

Friday, June 26, 2009

Top Five Baby Thermometers

Fun Tips!

1) Choose parchment paper over aluminum foil when cooking/baking. Aluminum foil can leak aluminum into your food. YUCK!!!!

2) Use olive oil in one of those cooking spray bottles (you can find them at Bed, Bath and Beyond- the spray bottle can also be used for spritzing salads or veggies) to line your pans for baking. This would replace pam which has propellent in it.

(Please feel free to submit your own health/cooking/baby/green/beauty/etc. tips to either Danielle or Amy so we can post them on the blog.)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Question of the week!

In your opinion, what were the advantages/disadvantages of a vaginal delivery?

If you had a c-section, what were the advantages/disadvantages?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Another Question of the Week

What are your Father's Day traditions? What are you doing this year for Father's Day? What are you buying the father of your children?

Monday, June 15, 2009

Question of the week!

In your opinion, what is the touchiest "parenting" topic? Breastfeeding? Co-bedding? Certain behaviors while pregnant?

Is it difficult to support someone when you totally disagree with what they are doing?

NMF's 2nd Anniversary

Saturday, June 13, 2009

YOUR CHILD on the cover of Parents Magazine!

Submit pictures of your child for the annual cover-model contest...
Go to 

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The best gift for a new mom!

Want to make a meal for a new mom but don't have the time? Check out this website:

A few health tips!

(Taken from the Holistic Mom's Group)

1. Make the switch from Canola Oil to Grape Seed Oil. Grape Seed Oil contains several antioxidants and can be used for salad dressings, cooking, baking, etc.

2. Make the switch from regular salt to either Sea Salt or Himalayan Salt.

Benefits of Himalayan Salt:

Regulating the water content throughout your body.
Promoting a healthy pH balance in your cells, particularly your brain cells.
Promoting blood sugar health and helping to reduce the signs of aging.
Assisting in the generation of hydroelectric energy in cells in your body.
Absorption of food particles through your intestinal tract.
Supporting respiratory health.
Promoting sinus health.
Prevention of muscle cramps.
Promoting bone strength.
Regulating your sleep -- it naturally promotes sleep.
Supporting your libido.
Promoting vascular health.
In conjunction with water it is actually essential for the regulation of your blood pressure.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Question of the week!

Describe a typical day?

It is always fun to hear what other people do throughout their day. Obviously, everyday is different when you have kids but on average, what does a typical day look like for you? When posting, think about activities, t.v. shows, regular errands, bedtime routines, etc.

Safe Sunblock...Is there such a thing???

(From Heather at

"It's important to understand that there is difference between sunscreen and sunblock . Sunscreen helps filter sun and prevent sunburn (UVA), sunblock physically blocks out UVA and UVB. Both contain synthetic ingredients so there’s really no such things as a ‘natural’ sunblock or sunscreen.

It’s generally believed that mineral sunscreens are safer. These products typically contain Zinc oxide (ZO) and Titanium dioxide (TO) and contain very small traces of minerals (often called nanoparticles) that can penetrate the skin and have been linked to cellular damage and free radical formation. The horrible irony is that though mineral products block damaging UVA and UVB rays, the combination of sunlight perpetuates the formation of the free radicals when combined with the ingredients. Excess free radicals ae known to cause cancer. either don’t use and risk skin cancer from exposure, or use and risk the potential cancer and other health problems from use of synthetic chemicals right?

My recommendation if you decide to use Mineral based products, be sure it does not say “micronized’. Also be sure whatever you choose be sure you do not see any of the following ingredients listed:"

Any “paraben” (butyl, methyl, ethyl, propyl)
SXParsol 1789Benzophenone

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Question of the week!

How do you organize your children's memorabilia? For example do you scrapbook each year or do an online scrapbook? Do you keep a journal? Do you do baby books? Those of you with more then one child, is it hard to keep up with the same stuff you did with your first?

Also, do you do monthly professional pics or yearly?

Do you do traditional family photos or Christmas photos?

Any ideas/tips on organizing pictures/memorabilia would be helpful!

Something you don't want to see...but should!

Please watch this video from G-Diapers about how diapers break down over time.
Very eye opening!

Have you seen this?

(submitted by Sue, Nicole & Danielle's mom)

A music video that will make you want to slow things down a bit.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Question of the week!

What was the worst baby advice you got?

Saturday, May 23, 2009

It take a VILLAGE to have a baby!!

My experience having Ruby was nothing but positive. 
I worked with a doula, a midwife, an acupunturist, chiropractor, homeopath 
and a massage therapist to name a few of those in my "village"

My midwife Mary is truly amazing. She is like family now to Dave and I.  When we found out Ruby was breech, Mary helped us with resources to help "turn" the baby.  She showed up at the hospital for my external version and massaged my feet during the painful procedure.
Although she could not perform my c-section, she was still there at the hospital afterwards to offer support.  Check out the awesome resources at her website:

Mary practices out of Metro Partners for Women's Health in Novi.
She delivers babies at the Alternative Birthing Center at Providence Southfield.
Mary is a certified Nurse Practitioner and is covered by insurance.
:) Maria

Monday, May 18, 2009

Question of the week!

How has being a mother changed your looks/style/attitude toward your physical appearance?

It is so great how we can all share our honest feelings on this blog! We really appreciate everyone's contributions. Thanks so much to our regulars!! WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM SOME OF OUR OTHER SECRET BLOGGERS!!!!!!! :)

Cord Blood Banking

(submitted by Kelly)

The list of local hospitals who collect donated cord blood has grown since we discussed this at our meeting last September! See if your hospital is on the list and consider this easy life-saving donation!

Participating hospitals

Oakwood Hospital Medical CenterDearborn, MI
CORD:USE(407) 667-4844

Hutzel HospitalDetroit, MI
J.P. McCarthy Cord Stem Cell Bank

St. John Hospital and Medical CenterDetroit, MI
StemCyte International Cord Blood Center

Providence Park Providence Hospital and Medical CenterNovi, MI
J.P. McCarthy Cord Stem Cell Bank

Providence HospitalSouthfield, MI
J.P. McCarthy Cord Stem Cell Bank

St. Joseph Mercy HospitalYpsilanti, MI
J.P. McCarthy Cord Stem Cell Bank

Check out these websites!

1. Great birthday party decorations....all homemade and there are super cute themes!

2. Photographer
Amy, Holly and Maria all won newborn sessions with this photographer.  She's great.
You can see Ruby and Evan's pictures in older posts on her blog.

3. It's a Princess Party!  
When: August 4th and 6th

Where: Mid American Studio
24425 Indoplex Circle
Farmington Hills, MI 48335

What: Children ages 3-7 are invited to join
two days of princess fun.  $25 per participant.  Pre-registration required.
Girls come dressed i their favorite princess apparel and accessories.  The first day they learn a princess dance and have a photo shoot.  There is also a tea party. On day two, children finish their dance, make a tiara and have parents in to see their princess dance.  

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Question of the Week

In honor of Mother's Day, what is your favorite part of being a mom?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

St. Jude Fundraiser

(submitted by Kim)


SWINE FLU: Great Advice for Staying Healthy

From the Weston A. Price Foundation:

With all the dire warnings, where is the message about building natural immunity?
Dear Members,
You are all aware of the dire warnings about swine flu, the outbreak that started in the Mexican village of La Gloria and which local residents blame on infection and/or toxins coming from local confinement hog operations.

The internet is abuzz with warnings bordering on hysteria (conventional media) to a variety of conspiracy theories, and even to allegations that the pandemic is a government fabrication designed to sell stockpiles of anti-viral medications.

Conventional medical advice ranges from wearing face masks to taking the anti-viral drug called Tamiflu (which can have many serious side effects, see
It is interesting to note that not once in all the media broadcasts have we heard any mention of building natural immunity.

Fortunately, we do not have to sit back and listen to the news about swine flu feeling helpless and anxious. We can be proactive by simply nourishing ourselves and our families.

Vitamins A and D in cod liver oil offer strong protection against infection of all types, as well as against environmental toxins. Vitamin C is important-either from vitamin C-rich foods like sauerkraut, or from one of the natural vitamin C supplements recommended in our Shopping Guide. Healthy gut flora provide 85 percent of our protection against disease. Be sure to consume healthy lacto-fermented foods and beverages every day and avoid the foods that disrupt gut flora, especially refined carbohydrates. Bone broth plays a double role of supporting the immune system and helping the body detoxify.

We are grateful to Beth Beisel, registered dietitian and WAPF member for reminding us about the protective factors in coconut oil. Swine flu is a lipid coated virus (, and thus is inactivated by sufficient amounts of monolaurin. (Our bodies convert lauric acid, found in coconut oil, to monolaurin).
According to our own Dr. Mary Enig, two to three tablespoons of coconut oil per day appears to be an adequate dosage to fight infection, even from virulent antibiotic-resistant organisms such as MSRA.

New Addition!

Sunita & Shawn Welcomed:
Ariana Ghai
Born : Feb. 19, 2009 at 2:51 am
6 lbs. 1oz. and 18 1/2 inches

A special tribute for your favorite moms!

Amy is mother of the year!!! :) :)

Send this fun personalized video clip to your favorite moms!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Delicious Easy Recipe!


4 tablespoons flour
4 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons cocoa
1 egg
3 tablespoons milk
3 tablespoons oil
3 tablespoons chocolate chips (optional)
A small splash of vanilla extract
1 large coffee mug (MicroSafe)

Add dry ingredients to mug, and mix well. Add the egg and mix thoroughly.Pour in the milk and oil and mix well..Add the chocolate chips (if using) and vanilla extract, and mix again.Put your mug in the microwave and cook for 3 minutes at 1000 watts.The cake will rise over the top of the mug, but don't be alarmed!Allow to cool a little, and tip out onto a plate if desired.EAT ! (this can serve 2)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Question of the week!

It's time to learn more about our NMF friends!

Answer these five questions:

1) What is your all-time favorite movie?
2) What is your favorite alcoholic beverage?
3) What is your favorite day of the week
4) What is your favorite cuisine?
5) What is your favorite radio station?

More Drama!

Check out the latest drama with Jon & Kate:

Is Jon Scum?


Can you blame him?

Sunday, May 3, 2009

May NMF Meeting- Mother's Day Brunch and Fundraiser

Our May meeting had a two part agenda. 1) Raise money for Autism Speaks and 2) Honor our mother's or someone special in our lives.
Every November, our members vote for a charity we will support throughout the upcoming year. This past November, we voted for Autism Speaks. Here is a quote from the Autism Speaks website: "At Autism Speaks, our goal is to change the future for all who struggle with autism spectrum disorders.We are dedicated to funding global biomedical research into the causes, prevention, treatments, and cure for autism; to raising public awareness about autism and its effects on individuals, families, and society; and to bringing hope to all who deal with the hardships of this disorder. We are committed to raising the funds necessary to support these goals."
We will also be participating in a charity walk for A.S. on Ocotber 11, 2009. We will post more details as the walk gets closer.
All of our members brought very generous items for the silent auction. This year was a trial run and we know there was a bit of confusion on how it was going to work. At the end of the day, our members pulled through and did an amazing job of supporting this wonderful cause.
Nine Months and Forever raised $300.00 for Autism Speaks!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for your generosity!
Here were the big winners:
Kelly V.: Homemade Burp Clothes
Crystal: Homemade Burp Clothes
Sunita: Homemade Vanilla Cake
Kim: Tulips
Sue: A Gardening Basket
Maria: A Bag of Baby Safety Items
Toshi: A One Hour Massage
Sunita: A Beach Bucket with kids items
Nicole: Go Green Basket
Crystal: School Memory Scrapbooks
Carol: Books
Mary: Homemade Chocolate Cupcakes
Kim: Pamper Yourself Basket
Shilpa: Brownie Kit
Emily: Rose Bush
Once again, the room was brought to tears after hearing all of the wonderful things our members had to say about their special guests. It was a nice opportunity to show appreciation for the important people in our life.
A big thank you needs to go out to everyone who took time to make a dish for the brunch. Also, thank you to Amy for making the flower pen center pieces and Maria who made the bookmark favors. Thank you to Shilpa for lending us her beautiful home for the special day!!

Our center pieces were raffled off to 1) Kim for having the b-day closest to Mother's day, 2) Jeanne for having the most grandchildren (5 and one on the way!:)) and 3) Mary for having the most experience in mothering ( 41 years! :))

NMF wants to thank all of our members for being such kind, generous and caring people!

If you could not attend, but would like to donate to our charity, you can make a check out to Autism Speaks and send it to:

Autism Speaks
5455 Wilshire Blvd.
Suite 2250
Los Angeles, CA 90036

Coming Up:
A girl's night out! Friday June 12th. Keep your eyes open for the evite.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Swine Flu

(submitted by Amisha)

Information for parents and caregivers:

Welcome Baby Evan Gabriel

Amy, Serge, and Gavin welcomed Evan Gabriel on Sunday, April 26. He weighed 7 pounds 4 ounces and was 20.5 inches long.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Question of the week!

What was the hardest thing you had to give up while pregnant?

Monday, April 20, 2009

Sending a BIG virtual hug to...

NMF member MELISSA and her soon-to-be baby girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Melissa, you are in our thoughts & prayers! Melissa is on bed rest right now and is staying sooooo strong and sooooo positive!

Hang in there!

Question of the week!

What is your favorite item at Trader Joe's Grocery Store? Feel free to list a few of your favs! :)

Friday, April 17, 2009

April NMF Meeting: Gardening!

Our April meeting was on Gardening! Our own NMF member, Stephanie, gave an excellent presentation on how to start a garden, how to make it an educational/fun activity for kids, and tips on organic gardening. It was soooo informative! Steph did an wonderful job!! Each member walked away with a packet of information and an English Garden's membership card that is valued at $20.00. The card allows our members to receive 10% off of all of their English Garden purchases. Guests also received some fun favors including seeds for their gardens, gardening gloves and tools, and some sassy shopping bags.
Thank you to all of our guests who brought some very "meeting appropriate" dishes to pass. For example, Amy brought a pasta salad tossed with tons of fresh veggies and Jodi brought dirt pudding! :)
Meeting Overview:
Why Garden:
1. Exposure to sun boosts mental and emotional health.
2. Studies show that children are happier and healthier when given regular opportunities to go outside.
3. Gardening encourages empathy and close observation.
4. It is great exercise!
5. Create an outdoor classroom: Gardening encourages Entomology, Botany, and Physical Science.
6. Gardening equals happiness!
7. Gardening encourages good health and nutrition.
8. You have tons of yummy veggies at your finger tips! :)
The Basics:
1. Pick the perfect spot! A good garden needs 8 hours of uninterrupted sunlight.
2. Sizing up your garden! What size garden do you want to take on... 4x4, 10x10???
3.Proper soil preparation. The most important step!!!
How to start seeds:
1. Growing your own seeds gives you control over what you want to grow. Plus, doing your own seeds saves you money vs. buying a "starter plant" at a garden center.
1. Often called "Gardner's Gold." You can buy compost or create your own.
Organic Gardening:
1. Organic gardening avoids the use of any pesticides and fungicides.
**This outline has been condensed for the blog. Steph's outline was much more thorough.
Looking Forward!
May Meeting:
Please join us for our traditional NMF Mother's Day Brunch! Last year was such a success that we decided to make it a mother's day tradition!Feel free to bring a special guest to this event. Your mom, grandma, or a special friend. This brunch is going to honor women who have played a special role in your life!
The brunch is going to be free for you and your guest! We are asking members only to bring a breakfast dish to pass. Coffee and juice will be provided.We are also asking NMF members to bring a small item for our fundraiser, Autism Speaks.
We are going to attempt the "Make it, Bake it, Fake it" fundraiser again. If you choose to participate, you would need to bring one item (or more) for the auction. All items will be on display throughout our brunch for members to view and after brunch we will have a fun auction.
Examples of items:
Make it: Any craft item, coffee mug stuffed with candy,gift basket, recipe cards, homemade cards or gift bags, etc.
Bake it: A dozen cookies, brownies, cup cakes, etc.
Fake it: A small toy, personal care items, books, cds, dvds, jewelry, a journal, games, anything for children, etc.
Basically, your donation is the item(s) you bring for the auction. Also bring some change and dollar bills so you can purchase items at the auction as well. We are hoping our guests will be interested in purchasing items too. All of the proceeds will go to Autism Speaks!
Please remind guests that they don't have to bring a thing!!! We want our important guests to relax and have a fun morning!
What to bring:
1) Breakfast dish to pass
2) An item for the fundraiser
Please RSVP by April 25th. Be sure to include your breakfast dish with your reply so we can avoid duplicates.
Hope you can make it! :)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Question of the week!

(website submitted by Holly)

Do you have a favorite recipe that you would be willing to share with our group? If you need some good ideas, sign up for's weekly emails.

Welcome Ruby Antoinette

Maria and Dave welcome Ruby into the world...
April 7th at 12:30 p.m.
6 lbs. 1 oz.  20 inches

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Story Time

(submitted by Amisha)

Story time every Tuesday at Pottery Barn for Kids! :)

Mom 2 Mom Sale

(submitted by Andrea)

"MOM 2 MOM sale " on Saturday,
May 2 at 10:00am.

Andrea says, "This Mom-to-Mom sale is an opportunity to purchase new/gently used infant, children's, and maternity items. Many great deals can be found on clothing, toys, strollers, furniture, and much more! Entry fee is $1. Invite your friends!!".

Event: MOM 2 MOM sale What: Retail

Host: Cross of Christ Lutheran Church

Start Time: Saturday, May 2 at 10:00am

End Time: Saturday, May 2 at 1:00pm

Where: Cross of Christ Lutheran Chruch

To see more details and RSVP, follow the link below:

Daily Time Usage Calculator

(submitted by Kim)

This is really interesting! See how your time usage compares to the average person.

Question of the week!

How do you feel about mom-to-mom sales? Do you love them or hate them? What is the best "used" item you have purchased at a mom-to-mom sale?

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Photo Contest

Sleeping Baby Contest!!!

Question of the week!

What are your thoughts on co-sleeping with your children? What are the benefits? What is the downfall? Are there certain situations that make co-sleeping ok...sick kids, nightmares, etc.??

This is a controversial subject so please be respectful of all members opinions. :)

More Gardening Information

This spring, consider growing a vegetable garden. Did you know that just $50 in seeds and fertilizer can produce (are you sitting down?) $1,250 worth of groceries! So whether you want to waste less, reduce your carbon footprint – or simply put more money away for a rainy day – consider that garden... click on the link above to continue reading :)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Start to think about your seeds!!

From one of our favorite blogs!!!

Read about this great idea regarding gardening. Educational and fun for the kids!

The Power of Positive Thinking!

(submitted by Sue, NMF grandma :))

Positive beginning

Would you spend your hard-earned money buying things you didn't want or need? Of course not.

So why would you spend any of your precious and powerful thoughts on things you don't want? It makes much more sense to focus your thoughts on the positive, desirable things you would like to create and expand upon.

The thoughts with which you choose to fill your mind have a direct influence on the people, things, and events that surround your life. Every moment, with each thought, you have the opportunity to point your life in a specific direction.

The way you think about life plays a major role in the way your life unfolds. Again and again, choose those thoughts that resonate with a life that's rich, joyous and fulfilled.
You think thousands of thoughts each day. Use the opportunity of each thought to push you toward the precise life you wish to create for yourself.

Everything in your world begins with a thought. So use your thoughts to give everything a powerful, positive beginning.

-- Ralph Marston

Go Green!

(submitted by Jodi)

Proud moment for NMF mama and great idea!

From Crystal:

"I read in a magazine somewhere that this mom would count all of the money in her children’s piggy bank each year. Then she would divide it up and put 1/3 into their savings account, 1/3 they could spend however they wanted and 1/3 they would donate to charity. I thought that was such an awesome idea! So we counted out Ian’s money and he has $20 to donate. He chose “a hospital where they make children better.” I was very impressed because I was listing off several different things, like animals, donating books, etc. So it’s going to Mott’s for our charity walk."

Crystal, Way to go!!! Thanks so much for sharing your great idea! :)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Question of the week!

Do you get sick when your child is sick?

Please post some tips on staying healthy while caring for sick babies.

Organic Clothing at Target

From current issue of Body & Soul:

"Attn (Eco) Bargain Shoppers - Known for introducing a rotating cast of exclusive designers to the frugal-minded masses, Target now aims to please its increasingly eco-conscious customers, too. Partnering with designers Rogan Gregory and Scott Mackinlay Hahn, the mega-retailer will offer Loomstate for Target, a sustainable fashion line for men and women, on April 19. The collection features relaxed, nature-inspired T-shirts, dresses, bikinis, shorts, skirts and jackets, using 100% certified organic cotton. Unlike the pieces from Loomstate's standard collection (some priced at more than $200), all Loomstate for Target items range from $14.99 to $44.99."

Act fast: Target and carry the goods only through May 16."

Friday, March 20, 2009

NMF Book Club

At this month's meeting we discussed topics
presented in the book Skinny Bitch.  We sampled dairy free ice cream and
pudding and ate vegetarian sushi.  After viewing clips from an Oprah episode about
animal cruelty and the sanitation of dairy and meat farms, we discussed our personal views and the choices we make for ourselves and our families when it comes to farm fed and
 cage free products.