Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Blog is Back!!

We've decided to come back to the blog and cancel our other interactive website. Please email Danielle or Amy any interesting things you would like us to post :)


Kelly O'Donnell said...

I'm still here!!! I encourage everyone to add an RSS reader to their browser (easy to do with free ones from My Yahoo! or Google...) and then add this blog to your reader by clicking on the orange RSS feed button. it's easy and allows you to see the new posts as they come up (the reason I never made it on to the new site--if i can't get an RSS feed, I don't remember to visit sites...

Kelly O'Donnell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
emily said...

Kelly- I don't see the RSS feed button. Is it on the NMF blog main page?

So glad this blog is back!

emily said...

uggh, not sure why my comment came up under my daughter's name!

Kelly O'Donnell said...

Harper's Mom ;) and others,
The RSS feed in this case is not a button but instead is the "Subscribe to: Posts Atom" link at the very end of all the posts on the home page.