Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Child Modeling Information from Maria

A student of mine is the lead role in the new Detroit Zoo Commercial!
She is the one saying goodnight to all of the animals!

I've contacted her mom to get more information on how she got involved.
The money her daughter makes from random photo shoots and commercials goes to a college savings fund.

If you're interested....

The igroup is based in Southfield. Go to www.igroup.com and it tells you what to do. Basically, you write a letter of intent and send in 2 snapshots--full body & head shot. They don't have to be professional if they're kids.

You can also google The Talent Shop, Productions Plus, and Affiliated Models. They are all in Birmingham or Southfield. They are good agencies too. Affiliated may be exclusive though. With The igroup, you can be registered with multiple agencies.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Question of the week!

Lets get to know eachother! Email me your answers: daniellekovachevich@hotmail.com

I would love to hear from all of you...especially our long distance friends (Kara!! :))

1. Describe your likes:

2. Describe your dislikes:

3. Describe the perfect day:


Likes: fruit, Italian food, bread, breakfast, red wine, cold beer, Spring & Fall, being a stay-at-home mom, farmers markets, swimming, cottages & being on a lake, making lists, the way Charlotte smells & looks in her p.j.s after a bath, naps, being pregnant, breastfeeding, watching Charlotte sleep, "crunchy" towels that have dried on the line, renting movies with my hubby, snuggling in bed with my family on a Sat morning, my new klean kanteen water bottle.

Dislikes: yardwork (I like to plant the flowers and watch them grow but wish I could get from point a to b w/out so much watering and weeding!), a messy house which ours always is by 9a.m. daily, dog hair that needs to be vacuumed daily, cleaning bathrooms (thank goodness hubby's job), putting away laundry (although I don't mind doing it/folding it), "spill-proof" sippies that are not spill-proof, overly sensitive people who can dish it out but can't take it, overly dramatic people that create problems where there are none, whining.

Perfect Day: I actually mentioned to Andy that this past Saturday was a perfect day to me :) We slept in (as much as you can w/ a toddler), made breakfast together, then I took Charlotte to a kiddie craft at the library while Andy worked on a long-overdue home improvement project. That afternoon we had a block party with tons of food and fun for adults & kids, followed by family naptime (apparently everyone's favorite!). Later that night after we put Charlotte down, I made a salad from our garden and Andy made homemade pizzas - our Fri night tradition that got postponed one day. It was a fun, activity-filled day, but still relaxing since we didn't have to travel more than a mile from home :)

1. Describe your likes: Everything about being a mom, pregnancy, breastfeeding, Meredith's smile, rum and coke, coffee, a clean house, Tigers baseball, weekends with Aaron, Sunday morning bagels and coffee with hubbie, smell of Meredith's breath, my puppies, sister night, girls night out, hot days on the lake, running, aerobics class, christmas, Aaron's cooking, long Summer walks with Nicole, wine and my dogs happy to see me when I get home.

2. Describe your dislikes: Grumpy people, bad drivers, cigarette smoke, rude people, dog hair, spiders, bees, Simon pooping on the driveway and not the grass, weeding the garden, Todd Jones, bills, gas prices, my post baby body, dog toots....ewww!

3. Describe the perfect day: Waking up with Aaron and Meredith, go for a long run, breakfast at Fritatta in Clawson, long walk with the dogs, head to Aaron's dads spending time on the water, bbq dinner with family, coming home to a clean house, glass of wine with Aaron, then a 9 hour uninterupted sleep, everyday being a weekend :)

Likes:Being a mom, nice dinners out with my husband, Jodi Picoult books, going to the pool with Kara, cooking, grocery shopping, caring people, Blue Moon Beer, margaritas, Hungry Howies pizza with garlic crust, the smell of Kara's clean hair, a clean car, watching HGTV, summer vacations!

Dislikes:Mean people, people who can't drive and talk at the same time, mopping the floor, cleaning under the booster seat, my metabolism, that my car is always messy since I have become a mom, the sippy cup dirt marks left by Kara on the carpet, the first Tuesday of September!

Perfect day:Sleep in (ha!), make breakfast with my family, play outside all day and go to the pool, go out for dinner, put the babe to bed and relax with my hubby!

1. Likes: My family, being on a boat, the beach, General Hospital, french fries, Jon & Kate Plus 8, Margaritas, getting cozy with my husband, cleaning & organizing, getting a pedicure, change of seasons except for the winter, driving with the windows down, being a part-time teacher, traveling, when Gavin says, "Mom, you're so cute."

2. Dislikes: BIRDS!!, violent movies, winter in Michigan, mean people, unorganized spaces, when people are late, fruits and vegetables

3. Perfect Day: Sleeping in then eatting a "Saari Special" (toasted bagel with fried egg, mustard, cheese and spam) for breakfast, followed by a day on the water with Serge & Gavin, drinking margaritas, having a BBQ for dinner, then a bonfire and roasted marshmellows at night.

1. Likes: Chocolate, Jon & Kate Plus Eight, Oprah, parenting books, walks with the kids, facebook, yoga, running, all breakfast foods, all sweets, bon fires, decorating, Whole Foods grocery store, shopping on-line, being pregnant, thunder storms, the smell of bbq, little boy clothes, the fall, lobster, old school Michael Jackson songs, all Celine Dion songs, my boy's smiles, date nights, wine, and NMF!!!!!!

2. Dislikes: laundry, cleaning toilets, day time tv, dishonest people, left-overs, malls, germs, pop, & going to the dentist.

3. Perfect Day: Sleep in, have a big family breakfast, take the kids to the pool/zoo/or some sort of fun family outing, come home to a really clean & organized house (done by someone else :)) and then have a fun date night with my hubby.

In no particular order,
Likes: Sports, lakes, camping, beer/wine, fruits, children, organized dishwashers, sex, traveling, breastfeeding, pregnancy, bonfires, working out, weddings, girls night out, date night with hubby, taking walks with my baby, make-up, humble people, peace and quiet, spring and fall, road trips, fantasy football, renting movies, candy (non chocolate), back scratches, animals, showers, thunderstorms, roller coasters, reading, recycling, and watching Maddie hit different milestones (smiling, rolling over, etc.)

Dislikes: Stupid drivers on their cellphone, spiders, feet, cleaning the stove or microwave, mopping the floors, traffic jams, flies that are trapped in your home, dentist, emptying the kitty litter, swimming in the ocean, sharks, and rude people

Perfect Day: Waking up to Maddie smiling at Josh and myself, eating breakfast, going to the pool or lake, come home take a family nap (Amy Garcia's style...he he), and get cleaned up and go out to dinner with the family. Come home and wild and crazy sex...just kidding.


Likes: the sun, salt and vinegar chips, true friends, non-materialistic people in my life, gratitude, my husband, my cat, coffee, and really I love my life!

Dislikes: People making meaning of nothing! Life is too short!

Perfect Day: going for a run around the lake, coming home and waking dave up with a cup of coffee, drink our coffee on the dock, and enjoy a day of reading, swimming, and spending time with the people who matter in our life!

A gathering of moms!

Friday, July 25, 2008

July Gathering: Sex & The City

July: Sex & The City Movie and drinks!

Thanks to all who joined us for a fun night out!!!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Free "CORE" Class

Strengthen your abdominal muscles and 
your upper and lower back by attending...

a FREE 45 minute "CORE" class on
Saturday, July 26th
9:00-9:45 am

12 Oaks Mall (enter at Nordstrom wing)
Lucy Clothing Store (women's active wear)

Instructor: NMF Member Maria
Call 248-305-3081 
to reserve your spot today

*** Please bring a yoga mat***

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Free Food!

Kids eat for free in Oakland County!


(Submitted by Christine)


"When a baby is born, so is a mother!" :)

-Johnsons & Johnsons

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Make A Wish Foundation of Michigan

"Joy is not in things, it is in us."
 ~Richard Wagner

"That is the essence of what it is to be human...
to be kind and compassionate to one another."
~Susan Fenters Lerch

Make-A-Wish is our current charity.  Did you know that Make-A-Wish of Michigan currently has more than 550 children approved for wishes and in the midst of planning their adventures?  NMF is planning a fundraiser event to raise money to help continue to make these dreams come true!

More fun facts about Make-A-Wish: The Ann Arbor Walk for Kids that NMF participated in had over 600 participants.  The walk raised nearly $80,000.  Proceeds will go to research cancer, provide top notch medical treatments and make heartfelt wishes come true!

Do you bank with Bank of America?  With a personal checking account at this bank, you can get Make-A-Wish checks and check cards.  Bank of America will donate $10.00 for each new account and $5.00 every year on the anniversary of the enrollment to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Are there Registered Sex Offenders in your area?

Use this quick and easy website to find out!
When you visit this site you can enter your address and a map will pop up with your house as the small icon of a house and red, blue, green, dots surrounding your entire neighborhood. When you click on these dots a picture of a person will appear with an address and the description of the crime he or she had committed. This site was developed by John Walsh from Americas Most Wanted. Another tool to help us keep our kids safe. Please pass on to everyyone you know who has a family. They should know who their neighbors are. Especially if those neighbors are sexual predators.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Excellent Seminar!

If you missed Mary Tocco speak the first time, here is another opportunity! Mary spoke on vaccinations and other really great topics. The date is September 6th.

For more information, you can call the office at 586-532-5433 to register.