Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Question of the week!

In your opinion, what were the advantages/disadvantages of a vaginal delivery?

If you had a c-section, what were the advantages/disadvantages?


Nine Months And Forever said...

I thought both my c-sections were easier on the baby and me. Less stress and pain (although i have nothing to compare it too). I give credit to those who go all natural, good for you!!!

Amy said...

I don't think either option is very good!! My 1st c-section was horrible, with a tough recovery, but my second one was great, which I contribute to the remedies I got from my homeopath. My chiropractor says that c-sections are actually tougher on the baby than vaginal births due to the shock of entering the world so abruptly, without the transition of the birth canal, but who knows...
I wish there were an easier way to birth a baby!

christina said...

I think it's interesting to hear from women that have had one of each -I have a friend who had a VBAC and kind of got the raw end of the deal on both ends...with the c-section she could actually *feel* them cutting and with the VBAC she went too quickly to get the epidural she wanted. But she said she'd take the natural birth 100 times over before another c-section. I think primarily due to recovery time, but she also had been in labor/pushed a ridiculous amount of hours before having the C...I think these are the women I feel sorriest for!

I myself have had 2 vaginal births, 1st one with a fabulous epidural but a long time pushing, 2nd with an epidural that quickly wore off but baby came within 1/2 hr of pushing - I'd take that again in a heartbeat. Actually I secretly hope that if I have a 3rd I go too quickly to have an epi - I would love to go natural but am way too big of a wimp to "plan" for it.

Jodi said...

I have only had c-sections... both after about 10 hours of labor. I only dialated to a 3-and I thought that was awful with no drugs- I am in awe of those who the distance!

My first seemed to have a longer recovery- about 10 days. My second was wonderful I was up moving around in hours. Maybe because it went through the same scar, it wasn't an emergency, I knew what to expect- who knows, but I thought it was easier.

Overall, I think that you have to put your thoughts and wishes aside when it comes to what is best for the baby. I had planned on a vag birth and it did not go as planned. However I still have two wonderful, healthy kids and that is what matters the most. I was given the job to bring these people into the world and whatever route was needed was the way it was meant to be, it was not about me.

On a side note- sex is fine after a c-section and you can have it sooner- if you are not COMPLETELY exhausted! :)

Nine Months And Forever said...

Speaking only from my experience:

Advantages of a C-section: You can plan ahead & sex sooner.

Disadvantages of a C: Longer recovery, not able to move around as fast, body is pumped with drugs.

On a side note, Nicole (who has now had both a vaginal and a c-section, said she would take a vaginal delivery anyday over a c-section.) It's interesting to hear from some one who has had both!
