Monday, November 16, 2009

A word about meeting fees ~

If you did not pay the yearly fee of $60 over the summer, you have the option to pay $40 for the 7 remaining meetings of the NMF "year": Nov 09 (this Friday!), and Jan - June 2010. Alternately, you can continue to pay $10/meeting as you attend, but we've found that many forget to pay (and then have to pay double the next month) and/or we forget to announce the collection envelope. We set up the yearly fee option to make it easier on everyone...and as a cost save for our regulars! That said, we are considering eliminating dues next year. This would also mean that we would have to eliminate raffles, prizes, speakers that cost money, beverages, websites, etc. We would have to keep it really simple. We will keep you posted on our plan for next year. :)

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