Thursday, November 12, 2009


How do new moms find time to work out?? Trying to loose the baby weight is sooo hard when you are sleep deprived and busy with the kids all day. I would love to hear your tips!!!


christina said...

I think you give yourself a break till the spring when you can get out more (both due to weather and and the age of the baby) and then just try to fit in daily walks. I am very depressed that the weight seemed to eventually come off w/out too much effort the first time around, albeit slowly...but not so this time :( Just know you are not alone!

And even if I had the motivation to go to the gym, it seems physically impossible to get there w/ a husband gone from 630am-630pm on a *good* day. (unless you do Lifetime w/ their daycare)

Amy said...

I am addicted to the "Lose It!" program on my iTouch. It is amazing and really helps keep on track with my calories.

As for excercising, I try to fit in as many walks as possible, but unfortunately that is about it. Having the trainer this summer was awesome, but I just can't fit it in during the school year :(

Kelly O'Donnell said...

Ugh! I have the weird problem that I actually got low a few weeks after the baby but have a ton back!!!! Now that's depressing...I did join Lifetime though, it seems like the only hope for getting to a gym, and even it is hard because under age 1 they have to have an appt. in the childcare center and you never know ahaed of time if baby will be sleeping during the appt. time etc. So we miss a few appts. here and there. I love classes and think that helps with motiviation and makes the time go by faster. Good luck everyone!

Kelly O'Donnell said...

PS--I don't know where to put this comment but I love that the most popular thing to argue about in the poll is sex...makes me feel much better ;)

Christine said...

Granted I only have one child but what works for me is getting up before work or before she gets up and workout. I either run outside or on the treadmill. Even if I do just 20 minutes, I feel so great the rest of the day!