Sunday, November 15, 2009

Question of the week (yes, another one :)

In honor of finally breaking down this morning and listening to 100.3!...What are your favorite Holiday songs and movies? Both traditional and modern-day?


christina said...

movies: It's a Wonderful Life, A Christmas Story (the first movie my hubby and I saw together 10 years ago - and I know a personal favorite of Jodi's!), Nat'l Lampoons, Love Actually

songs: O Holy Night, anything by the Carpenters or Frank Sinatra (Charlotte thinks it's Santa singing!), and cheeseball pick: Old Lang Syne by Dan Fogelberg :) Oh, and I love Faith Hill's A Baby Changes Everything.

Amy said...

Movies: It's a Wonderful Life & National Lampoons

Songs: All the old school classics, but I am not ready to start listening to 100.3 yet! I start on Thanksgiving Day, while we are putting up our Christmas Tree :)

Nine Months And Forever said...

Confession: I am the nerd that has listened to Christmas music in July! I have already had it on for a few weeks! It puts me in such a good mood. I love Celine Dion and Harry Conick Jr. songs.

PS) A cute tradition: A friend of ours watches Planes, Trains and Automobiles with their family every Thanksgiving morning while cooking the big feast.

Samantha said...

My mom always wants us to watch Prancer on Thanksgiving night with all the has been a tradition for years!!

Kelly O'Donnell said...

Movies: It's a Wonderful Life (Xmas Eve), White Christmas (an old 1950s Bing Crosby movie which is my mom's favorite and I've seen it so many times I have to include it as a favorite now too). I also love The Family Stone, it makes me want to have five (adult) children and live in a big cozy farmhouse in New England...

Music: My favorite song is Mary Did you Know, sung by any amazing tenor/bass duet in church.