Sunday, October 21, 2007

Question of The Week- 10-22-07

What is your best advice for a new sleep deprived mommy?


Steph said...

Drink lots of water. Invest in a great moisturizer and concealer. Take naps when you need them. Understand that the housework will be there! (I promise, its not going anywhere.)

Kara said...

Sleep when the baby sleeps. It took me a while to learn to do that, but I did my best to go down for a nap when the twins did. Also, don't be afraid to ask for help.

Nine Months And Forever said...

Accept help from others! Unfortunately, I was too stubborn to let anyone watch Gavin so that I could get a little more sleep when I needed it. If I had to do it all over again, I would have let my mom watch him so I could take an extra nap here and there!

Kelly O'Donnell said...

Sleep with the baby if it helps him or her sleep at night. I am not a napper so I had to get all my sleep at night, and she was up at all hours. I would pull her into bed with me and nurse and we both got alot more sleep. I know it's a bit taboo to co-sleep but sometimes you have to do what you need to to survive the early months!

christina said...

If your hubby's off work or it's a weekend, alternate sleep shifts with him rather than taking turns getting up all night long, which usually results in both of you up every hour or two. So you sleep from 10-2 while he responds to crying, and then you're on from 2-6. This is a bit more challenging if you're nursing, but even a 3 or 4 hour block of uninterrupted sleep feels like heaven after a week!

Holly said...

Sleeping when my baby slept was the best way for me to catch up! I still do sometimes during his morning nap.

Also, make sure you are eating enough protein. Too many of the carbs we crave when we are tired will cause an even harder crash!

Jodi said...

The hardest was the first few months...Kara now sleeps 12 hours at night. However, because I was on leave, I would take care of her Sunday-Thursday. On the weekends, my husband would retreat to the spare room with the bassinet and I would get two really good nights of sleep. It is truly what got me through those few months... I do not know how single moms do it!

And I agree with Kelly, I am not a napper either, so napping at the same time as Kara wasn't happening!