Monday, October 1, 2007

The Debate Is Over! Who do your Children look more like? Mom or Dad???

Although this may not be very scientific or true it is fun to do! Just upload your pictures and in minutes you will have the answer you have finally been waiting for!

(submitted by Jodi who found this on Kara, our on-line NMF member's website! :)


Kara said...

It is lots of fun!!! Of course, my twins look more like their dad....maybe that will change as they get older...hehehe

Nine Months And Forever said...

I want to try this! I am even thinking of scanning a picture of my parents and I since I don't have children! :) Maria

christina said...

I thought it was a trick...because Charlotte was 50% mom and 50% dad - but after reading kara's comment, I guess she is really half and half!!