Sunday, November 2, 2008

Question of the Week

What is a healthy snack you give or make for your kids?


Nine Months And Forever said...

apples and peanut butter. or crackers and peanut butter.


Nine Months And Forever said...

Organic plain yogurt mixed with applesauce (low sugar applesauce or apple puree) and a dash of cin. It is more cost effective to buy the bigger yogurt and has a lot less sugar. Danielle

Nine Months And Forever said...

Gavin loves hummus with carrots or cucumbers. He also loves to use the "magic bullet" kitchen food processor to make sorbet- frozen mixed berries purred with orange juice. It's a lot of sugar, but with all the blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cherries, I think the health benefits outweigh the sugar issue this time :)

Kelly O'Donnell said...

we do pecans and dried cherries as a non-messy finger food for snacking on the go...or cheese if we are at home. I try to go for protein since she doesn't eat much meat.

Jodi said...

Cheese! Kara loves cheese. I can give her a slice of deli cheese and she is super happy! So easy. Since, she is not a big fan of milk, it is a great source of calcium for her.

christina said...
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christina said...

Whole carrots - keeps 'em occupied for awhile in the highchair and also an easy healthy snack for the pool, beach, etc. Just obviously nothing they should be running around with unsupervised so you can make sure they're taking decent sized bites. They're a good alternative to baby carrots, which have gotten bad press lately regarding how much excess chlorine is used in the cleaning/preservation process.

My daughter also loves apples w/PB and I add some crunchy healthy cereal on top of the PB sometimes.

Good tip about the yogurt/applesauce mix Danielle, thanks!

ps. does anyone know if too many raisins are a bad thing?! It seems I have to ration them in our house...

Jodi said...


My daughter thinks raisins are "candy". They're a hit in our house too.

Raisins are HIGH in iron... so too many can stop you up, if you get my drift... But it needs to be an excessive amount.

:) Jodi