Monday, November 10, 2008

Question of the week!

What is your best discipline technique? Time-outs? Love and Logic?


Nine Months And Forever said...

I am really looking for help on this one. My 3 year old has been really acting out. I can not figure out the best approach. When she starts yelling i do not feel it is effective to yell back. I have started taking things away and that seems to work a little. Any help???????


Kara said...
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christina said...

I am currently reading 1-2-3 Magic and like it. Haven't implemented the techniques yet as I haven't finished it, but so far it seems more straight-forward and less ambiguous than the Love & Logic book. I like the theory of Love & Logic but find it a bit challenging to implement with spirited toddlers - maybe it will be more helpful in a couple years.