Saturday, November 22, 2008

Holiday Party/November Meeting

Our November meeting was our traditional holiday party with a crafty twist. We had a very competitive :) recipe contest. Here are the big winners of the evening:
Appetizer Category: Mel- Jalapeno Popper Spread
Beverage Category: Jodi- Festive Raspberry Punch
Healthy Category: Shilpa- Oriental Salad
Gift Giving Category: Melissa- Homemade Edible Arrangement
Dessert: Maria- Pumpkin Cream Trifle
Charity News:
Several children's scarves, mittens and hats were collected (31 pairs of mittens, 17 hats and one children's jacket) for the The First Step Women's Shelter. Thank you for your generosity! Also, we are happy to announce that Autism Speaks is our nominated charity for 2009. We look forward to working with this organization to help support their cause.
Special thanks to Jodi for hosting the November meeting. Jod, your newly finished basement looks wonderful!!! Also, thank you to Amy for putting together all of the prizes for our winners!!

Looking forward: There will be no December meeting. We look forward to seeing everyone in January!

Baby Must Haves....
A list of tips for new moms!
Important items to have: swaddle me outfits, baby swing with music, video monitor, a supportive husband, 3 in 1 activity bouncer, rainforest jumperoo, lanolin for breastfeeding, boppy pillows (take one to the hospital) move and groove activity table and for toddlers a snack trap with rubber (no spill) lids. 

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