Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Question of the week!

What is your favorite milestone?

When your baby smiles? Laughs? Rolls over? Sits-up? Walks? Talks? Etc.


Nine Months And Forever said...

SMILES!!! A smile melts my heart! :) Danielle

Kelly O'Donnell said...

I thought her first giggles were intoxicating...and already a clear view into what she was thinking about and thought was funny. Love the belly laughs.

Nine Months And Forever said...

I have to go with smiles, too, especially since my serious boy (still!) did not smile until he was 3 months old. It was the first sign that we were actually communicating :)

Jodi said...

For us, I thinking walking was the best thing we had ever seen. Kara had been through so much to get to that point, that we were beyond happy! Now we can't keep up with her!

~Jodi :)

christina said...

I'm with Kelly on the giggles...To me, there is no sweeter sound than babies and children laughing. Charlotte's heartiest belly laughs are always when she's playing with our dog - so cute.