Monday, January 19, 2009

Question of the week!

What toy, t.v. show, book, etc. do you find to be the most educational? Feel free to list one from each category.

For example:

Book: 100 first words
Toy: flash cards and blocks for counting
T.V. Show: Sesame Street


Jodi said...

Melissa and Doug alphabet puzzles and number puzzles have been great.

Leap Frog alpha magnets have also been very helpful for my daughter in learning her alphabet.

She has also picked up a lot of spanish from watching Dora and Diego, which she loves very much... I guess not all TV is bad :) She can count 1-13 in English and 1-8 in spanish...

:) Jodi

Unknown said...

Toy: ABC puzzle

Book: We have an Elmo lift the flap book which she loves and has opposites, numbers, letters, objects etc.

TV: Sesame Street, the only kids show she watches (and I think the best since I remember learning from it when I was little!)

Nine Months And Forever said...

Memory flash cards are fun.

The leap frog magnets were great for us too. Also kids Cool School has been so much fun for us.

TV, i would say Dora and Diego, but for some reason the Golden Girls are a hit in our house. Not sure what they teach but i have heard her repeat some funny phrases from Sophia!