Monday, December 15, 2008

Question of the week!

Describe who your child looks like.

Who's personality does he or she have??

Does little Sammy have your nose or eyes?

Does little Susie like to organize just like her mommy?


Nine Months And Forever said...
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Nine Months And Forever said...

I try not to compare and label my kids but so far I can see a little bit of me in Jake. He likes to eat, (ha ha:)) dance and clean! Just like this mom. Ben is super energetic and determined..just like his pops. Luke seems very laid back...I guess that is more like me.

Everyone says Jake looks like Kevin and Ben is a good mix. We also hear that Luke looks like me. They all have the same hair-- like their dad. They have brown eyes like their dad. I think the have my nose and eye shape. They all have my stubby feet-- poor guys! The stubs look way cutier on them! :) It is so fun to examine every little body part and guess who it came from.

Nine Months And Forever said...

Sophia i hear looks like me but i dont see it. I think she looks like my mother in law and hubsand. Reese looks like my sister. Both my kids look like my sister in their baby pictures. Sophia has Bryan's personality and Reese is me, laid back chubby eats and laughs at everything. Reese also looks likes Sophia's twin seperated by 3 years.


Jodi said...

Well anyone who has met my daughter and me, know she has my curly, hard to manage hair. I think she has my eyes and nose too (good thing on the nose based on my husbasnd side!)... her mouth and jaw line come from my husband's side... she also has his hands and feet. We like to say she is a perfect mix of us!

Personality- she seems to be more laid back like my husband and determined like both us.

She is only 2, so it will be interesting to watch her own personality grow and develop!

Kelly O'Donnell said...

Tess looks more like me (I think) except the eyes (not sure?) and thin unruly hair, which I attribute solely to my mother in law (grrr...) Personality, she is nearly 100% my husband, they are both very concerned with things (shoes, chairs, clothes etc.) being in the "right" place, which helps keep our house more orderly! She's more fiesty than I was as a child and more athletic...definitely all my husband!

christina said...
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christina said...

Charlotte is pretty much a mini-me in looks (although as a newborn she looked just like my husband? strange) but personality/activity-level-wise she is seemingly all boy, with some girly drama thrown in for good measure. My father-in-law laughs and reminds me how her daddy did all the same naughty things (not so funny to me), while my mom empathizes and tells me she has no advice because my brother and I were calmer and more obedient. All in all though, I remind myself that I'm very blessed to have a toddler who keeps me on my toes; as long as she remains healthy and happy that is all that really matters :)

Nine Months And Forever said...

Most people think Gavin looks just like Serge, which would be fine with me, but he really looks just like I did when I was his age. I think most people say he looks like Serge because of his nice brown complexion...
Personality-wise, Gavin is so laid back, just like his dad. But, he is also extremely organized, likes things calm and quite, and likes to clean like his mom :)
So, overall, I would say he is a great mix of the both of us.

Jodi said...

I like how Danielle's picture appears when Amy posts... it really throws the peeps off :) he he