Friday, October 10, 2008

October Meeting: Homeopathy & Natural Healing

The October meeting was very informative. A certified homeopath came to speak to our group about treating children's injuries and illnesses naturally.
About the speaker:
Kathleen Felice Slonager

"I have been studying and practicing homeopathy in Michigan since 1993. Transformational Health, PC was founded in 2003, as a private practice devoted to classical homeopathy (which means one remedy at a time, starting at very low potencies, with as few repetitions as possible.)

In addition to expertise in homeopathy and ear acupuncture (National Acupuncture Detoxification Association protocol), I have nearly 25 years experience in the healing arts. My focus is on returning individuals and families back to a state of health and wellness.

Credentials: DiHOM is a three-year diploma in Homeotherapeutics. This diploma included clinical study in addition to academic work and was awarded by The Institute of Natural Health Sciences in Michigan. The ADS is certification as an acupuncture detoxification specialist (ADS) awarded from the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association. Additionally, I am a licensed registered nurse (RN) as well as certified asthma educator (AE-C). I also hold certifications in other holistic methods.

Professional Memberships: National Center for Homeopathy, Homeopathic Nurses Association, World Homeopathic Awareness Organization (Michigan Coordinator), Metro Detroit Affiliated Study Group - National Center for Homeopathy, National Acupuncture Detoxification Association"
Kathleen was so kind to sell a children's first aid kit by Highlands and the book "Homeopathic Medicine for Children and Infants" by Dana Ullman, M.P.H. at a discounted price. She also passed out free samples of Pain Relief Arnicare Gel and First Aid Calendula Ointment.
For further information, please contact Kathleen at 248-613-9662.
NMF would like to CONGRATULATE
the newly pregnant mamas:
Maria, Jodi, Sunita, Amy & Christina
Best of luck to all of you! :)
Thank you so much to Christina for hosting the October meeting! You have a beautiful home!
NEXT MONTH: Stay tuned for the November evite! We will be doing a creative recipe exchange with fun contests, gift giving ideas, prizes, and much more!!!


nicole said...

Great times and great laughs. (now do I get a point for this)? J/K

Jodi said...

Thanks Christina for hosting! I also enjoyed the freebies!

Kelly O'Donnell said...

Jodi and Nicole, you are so not getting getting ahead of me!

In the interest of not JUST getting my points, I will add a valuable comment :) I'm very open-minded about homeopathy and appreciated learning more about it. I wish more pediatricians would include a homeopathic remedy in their first recommendations, instead of just going to the antibiotic. maybe someday...

Kelly O'Donnell said...

Jodi and Nicole, you are so not getting getting ahead of me!

In the interest of not JUST getting my points, I will add a valuable comment :) I'm very open-minded about homeopathy and appreciated learning more about it. I wish more pediatricians would include a homeopathic remedy in their first recommendations, instead of just going to the antibiotic. maybe someday...

nicole said...

Kelly I totally agree with you about the pediatricians. I wish it was their first thought with helping our babies. They are just too fast to medicate and in their mind...problem solved. UGH!

Jodi said...

Kelly- posting twice should not earn you 2 points! :)

Nicole- you mentioned you used a homeopath for teething? What was it? Have you tried it yet? Did it help/work? Kara is done with teething, but perhaps with #2 I would give it a try.

Nine Months And Forever said...

Nic, Yes you get a point for this!! You have a lot of catching up, girl!!! :) :) Danielle

PS) Christina, thank you for hosting!

nicole said...

I use teething tablets by Hyland's ( I know they have teething gel by Hyland's as well.). You can find them at CVS, Rite Aid, etc. I use them and I believe they work. It's worth a try...right? HTH.