Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Question Of The Week! 3-17-08

How long did it take you to loose your baby weight? How did you do it?


christina said...

about 7-8 months. (It helps when you have a winter baby because you can hide under baggier clothes for a few months :) I didn't do anything drastic...ate pretty healthy and just tried to get out & walking on a regular basis by the next spring. I think breast-feeding helped in the long run, but it certainly wasn't immediate as I had hoped for!

And whatever you do, DON'T step on a scale the day you come home from the hospital - Charlotte was over 8 lbs and when I weighed myself I had lost less than that?!!! Must have been retaining water or something still but boy was that depressing :)

Learning As I Go Blog said...

Probably 6 months with my twins. I agree with Christina, I think pumping helped big time! The last 5-10 pounds were the hardest to loose.

Jodi said...

I think being overweight prior to getting pregnant was my biggest problem. I only put on 21 lbs with Kara, but I had to really watch myself the whole pregnancy...no induldging, which you assume comes with being pregnant.

Retaining is a huge issue---my legs doubled for about a week afterwards... I lost the 21 lbs very quickly... but my pre-baby weight is what was/is depresssing. I think the fat that was in my abs before was pushed around funny by the baby... not sure if that will ever go back to normal. :(

I keep hoping that as "chasing the toddler" years is about to begin that th poubds will just start melting away... ha ha ha!