Sunday, March 9, 2008

Question Of The Week! 3-10-08


What is appropriate and what isn't? Is it ok to breastfeed in a restaurant, at a party, or in a shopping mall??? What are your personal thoughts on this topic?


Kelly O'Donnell said...

I think nursing is public is fine. I have never seen a full-on breast exposure in public and doubt I will--if you are confident enough in your BF skills to BF in public, chances are you are nimble enough with it that few people would even notice you are doing it. That said, it would be EXCELLENT if more public places accomodated nursing moms with a comfy clean chair, even in a bathroom or off to a corner, as many moms don't feel comfortable or confident enough to nurse in public, and that should be okay too.

Jodi said...

I agree with Kelly in the regards to places providing CLEAN and friendly places to BF. I give props to Von Maur for having a lovely "Mothers Lounge". More places should do the same.