Thursday, December 20, 2007

Member of the Month- December

Member of the Month: Andrea

Age: 30

Spouse: Eric

Kids: Madeleine, 13 months
Pet: a cat and a bird (a good combination!)

Woman Plus: a MOM, who loves to organize and make creative projects. I design the curriculum for our church Sunday School program.

Your favorite song to sing loud in the car?
Anything on XM radio. Especially "What I Am", by Edie Brickell. With Madeleine I sing the "ABC song" or "If you're happy and you know it…clap your hands".

Guilty indulgence?
Ben & Jerry's ice cream

Your favorite children’s book?
It's a tie between Good Night Moon and Pat the Bunny.

A way you stay focused?
Lists. Lots of lists and post-it notes reminding me what to do! I couldn't live without them.

Favorite Gift from one of your kids or a memorable gift from a friend?
Madeleine's first crayon drawing

A discovery you’ve made recently?
It's OK if the house isn't perfectly clean. Who cares! Now is the time to spend with our daughter, who will only be young for a short time!

Three things you love:
1. Being with Madeleine, seeing her grow each day.
2. Evening time with my husband, after Madeleine is asleep.
3. Reading a great book (I just finished Miss American Pie: A Diary of Love, Secrets and Growing Up in the 1970s, by Margaret Sartor and just started Look Me in the Eye: My Life with Asperger's, by John Elder Robison.)

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