Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Importance of Hand Washing!

(submitted by Nicole)

The dirty truth about docs who don't wash. Doctors, nurses and other health workers wash their hands only about half as often as they should, studies show. A growing movement urges patients to remind them to hit the sink.

Quote from article:
“We’re now making the association that people are dying of MRSA because people aren’t washing their hands,” said McGuckin."

1 comment:

Nine Months And Forever said...

You don't have to ask me twice to wash my hands!!! Ever since we welcomed our sons into the world, we have become diligent handwashers. Doctors have preached over and over to us about the importance of washing our hands, especially during RSV/Flu season. My husband and I swear that our boys are as healthy as they are because of diligent handwashing. Our pulmonologist told us you can get rid of 99% of the bacteria/ viruses they come into your home by washing your hands. Seems like a no brainer!! Just plain common senses!

We have had to ask nurses to wash their hands when handeling the boys in the hospital. It was very uncomfortable but I don't regret saying something. Their health is way too important to me.
