Monday, April 14, 2008

Question of the Week, 4-7-2008

What is one way (or more!) your family tries to "be green?"


Nine Months And Forever said...

We don't do anything major, but we try to be very conscious about how much electricity we use by making sure we turn off lights and the TV when they are not being used.
We also recycle most of whatever we can.
We use Melaleuca products, which are toxin-free, so they are good for us and for the Earth.
I also have a canvas tote bag that I keep in the car to use as an alternative to plastic shopping bags when I run errands.
We try to do what we can :)

Unknown said...

I have used the same 5 canvas bags to get groceries since college--did you know that most stores will give you 5 or 10 cents credit per bag used?? it's only 50 cents but it adds up! We reuse the plastic bags our newspapers come in as poopy diaper protectors (so our diaper champ doesn't smell) And starting this year I'm giong to use organic pesticides so Tess can still play in the yard.

Jodi said...

We recycle everything we can...when we lived in PLymouth it was $1.50 a trash bag, so we really got on the recycle bandwagon, because that was free. That has carried on to our new neighborhood.

I avoid using excessive bags at stores. When they try to put large items in a bag, I decline.

There is also an earth friendly line of cleaning products called Seventh Generation, available at Target and Hillers. It is made from vegetables or something like that... they claim you can drink it.

We do use disposable diapers... I can't save the Earth on that one.

You can use baby wipe containers to store markers and other things in...


Nine Months And Forever said...

This is a really interesting post! We also use toxin free cleaning products. I love them! I also try to buy mostly organic products. I am going to get the organic fertilizer for our lawn as well. I need to work on recycling! That is my goal for the summer! :) :)