Saturday, November 15, 2008

Question of the Week

What are your family Thanksgiving traditions?


Jodi said...

Now that I am married- I go to Florida with the in-laws. We have a horrible store bought meal and I look forward to my mom's turkey the whole time... but the weather is worth it.

Jodi :)

Nine Months And Forever said...

We don't have a tradition..but here are some other traditions some friends of mine have:

My friend Brain and his family watch Planes, Trains and Automobiles every Thanksgiving morning while the turkey is cooking. You could select your own movie for your personal traditon??

Maria...didn't you and a bunch of friends run the Turkey Trot every year??

For a while, my family would pick a topic to discuss at the Thanksgiving table. One year we each shared our all time favorite Christmas gift.

Kelly O'Donnell said...

Our holiday is always with different family--so no real traditions, other than I HAVE to have a homemade pecan pie, which I'm not sure if that's an unusual Thanksgiving food or not. It's popular in the South and growing up we always had one, as my paternal grandparents are from Tennessee.

christina said...

There is a tradition I want to start next year when my daughter's old enough to contribute...After dinner I'd like to help the the kids make those paper links till Christmas, and on each of the 30 or so links they can write down something or someone they are thankful for. Then as we tear one off every night until Christmas, we can read it and help remind the little ones (and ourselves!) of our many blessings and what the Christmas spirit is really about :)