Sunday, November 2, 2008

Ideas for future meetings, anyone??

We are working on planning meetings for next year. Please post any ideas you may have. Let us know what you may be interested in doing or learning about. Also, post if you have any connections to any great potential speakers :) Thanks for helping to be part of the planning process!


Nine Months And Forever said...

How about keeping kids safe, how to screen sitters and caregivers, how to help teach kids about strangers etc.


Nine Months And Forever said...

Actually, Crystal also had this idea as well. I vote for this topic too.

I also would like to see a meeting on party planning for kids b-day parties. Creative ideas for themes, invites, favors, food, etc. Anyone know a professional party planner??

Also, are there any NMF members who would like to host a meeting?? Here are some ideas: cooking demos., potty training techniques, craft ideas, etc, etc.

Nine Months And Forever said...

I am always willing to host a party.


Kelly O'Donnell said...

I told Amy I could host the sex talk in February! I am going to ask my midwife for a suggestion and try to get someone for us if we haven't got one already.

I love the party planning idea--it would be great for everyone to also share contacts--I have a phone number for an bounce house rental place, maybe someone else uses a really great baker, etc. I know a prof. party planner but she does REALLY high end bar mitzvah's and such in B'ham--she could have some interesting inspiration ideas though!

A babysitter/nanny selection process would be neat, what else? How about a Family Law night where we have a lawyer come in and everyone can leave with a estate or will form to fill out at home and have husband sign? I know they usually cost several $$ to have a lawyer do it but they are typically pretty standard, maybe a lawyer would do a "fill in the blanks" basic form for $50 a piece if he knew there would be a ton of them and the chance to market to all these moms?

Kelly O'Donnell said...

Maybe I'm the only bad mom who hasn't got around to the will yet?? I bought some willmaker software but still havne't figured out how to do it--I would be willing to share the software if we wanted to go that route?

christina said...

kelly o, in the future please condense all of your thoughts into one post to avoid unfairly racking up excess "blog points".

hehe. All good ideas - I'd be interested in each one!

ps. I didn't watch it yet but if anyone dvr'ed Oprah today it was on sex therapy etc. Worst case we could get a copy and make that part of our Feb mtg.

Jodi said...

Can we just got to Oprah for a NMF meeting?? Can Kevin get us all tickets?