Monday, May 26, 2008

Question Of The Week! 5-26-08

Describe the night time routine you do with your child/children. Tell us their ages too.


Kelly O'Donnell said...

for our 16 mo, we do toy clean up, bath, PJs, books, nurse ("mama milk" ;) and bed. it usually works great now but it was a LOOOONNNGGG process of trial and error.

Nine Months And Forever said...

Our 3-year old watches a TV show from 7-7:30, then we go upstairs, go potty, brush teeth, then read books until about 8:00. After a goodnight kiss and hug, he goes to sleep.

Kara said...

We have 20-month old twins. Typically we pick up toys, snuggle and watch doodlebops right before bed, we both give them kisses and they give each other kisses and their baby sister, and then off to bed by 7 pm.

Nine Months And Forever said...

With my 20 month old twins we have story time and sing songs while drinking a cup of milk. Brush teeth and give kisses and hugs all around.

I have just started a night time routine with my three month old and it is, what I like to call, "BOOT CAMP!" I am trying to get him to self sooth...hopefully the little guy will catch on soon! :)

I like how you guys do "clean-up!" Thanks for the idea!
