Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Question of the week!

Did/do you let your baby cry it out? If not, what alternative method did you use and at what age? Was it successful?


christina said...

I could never do CIO before 6 months - around that time I read countless books with my first, and my favorite was the "Sleep Lady Shuffle" from the book Good Night Sleep Tight. Essentially you start out w/ a chair right next to the crib (and when they cry, pat their backs but don't pick up) and gradually move the chair every couple days until you're in the hall. Yes I know it sounds comical! but to me, it was the least painful method and seemed to work w/in a week or so :) We were blessed w/ our second and never had much of a problem (the joys of a thumb-sucker - on average she squawks about 5 times then self-soothes!)

Amy said...

Fortunately, I just followed the book, "Healthy Sleep Habits, Heathly Child" and I never needed to face letting my boys cry it out. I guess they got their good sleeping genes from their mother :)Gavin was never a thumb-sucker or used a pacifier, he just liked to sleep. I started using a pacifier with Evan at night in light of the new SIDS findings (that using a pacifier helps to reduce the chances of SIDS)and he definitely does use the pacifier to soothe himself to sleep. I know I should make him give it up (like a couple of months ago, actually!) but it makes him happy, so I guess I'll keep it around until he's 1. Then he'll have to soothe himself :)