Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Personal Care Products Warning!

Are they in the products you currently use? It’s time to check. Go grab your containers of skin care products and check them against the following …

Ingredient Use

Parabens Heavily used preservatives in the cosmetic industry; used in an estimated 13,200 cosmetic and skin care products. Studies implicate their connection with cancer because their hormone-disrupting qualities mimic estrogen and could disrupt your body’s endocrine system.
Mineral Oil, Paraffin, and Petrolatum

These petroleum products coat the skin like plastic – clogging pores and creating a build-up of toxins. They can slow cellular development, creating earlier signs of aging. They’re implicated as a suspected cause of cancer. Plus, they can disrupt hormonal activity. When you think about black oil pumped from deep underground, ask yourself why you’d want to put that kind of stuff on your skin…
Sodium laurel or lauryl sulfate (SLS), also known as sodium laureth sulfate (SLES)
Found in over 90% of personal care products! They break down your skin’s moisture barrier, potentially leading to dry skin with premature aging. And because they easily penetrate your skin, they can allow other chemicals easy access.
SLS combined with other chemicals may become a "nitrosamine" – a potent carcinogen.


Found in many facial creams.

Linked to mammary tumors.

Propylene glycol

Common cosmetic moisturizer and carrier for fragrance oils.

May cause dermatitis and skin irritation. May inhibit skin cell growth. Linked to kidney and liver problems.

Phenol carbolic acid

Found in many lotions and skin creams.

Can cause circulatory collapse, paralysis, convulsions, coma, and even death from respiratory failure.
Dioxane Hidden in ingredients such as PEG, polysorbates, laureth, ethoxylated alcohols. Very common in personal care products.
These chemicals are often contaminated with high concentrations of highly volatile 1,4-dioxane that’s easily absorbed through the skin. Its carcinogenicity was first reported in 1965, and later confirmed in studies including one from the National Cancer Institute in 1978. Nasal passages are considered extremely vulnerable, making it, in my opinion, a really bad idea to use these things on your face.
May be very poisonous! Made from petroleum and coal tar… found in most synthetic fragrances.

Chronic exposure linked to anemia, lowered blood cell count, liver or kidney damage…May affect a developing fetus.

Question of the week!

Did/do you let your baby cry it out? If not, what alternative method did you use and at what age? Was it successful?

Christmas Miracle

Mom and Baby Die during labor on Christmas, then REVIVED!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Happy Holidays from NMF!

Hope everyone enjoys their time off with the kiddies :)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Empowering moms

(CNN) -- Seven months into her pregnancy with her fourth child, Joy Szabo's obstetrician gave her some news she didn't want to hear: Because she'd had a previous Caesarean section, the hospital where she planned to deliver was insisting she have another one.

Szabo wanted a vaginal delivery, and argued with hospital executives, but they stood firm: They refused to do vaginal births after Caesareans (VBACs) because they have a slightly higher risk for complications.

After they lost that fight, Szabo and her husband, Jeff, made an unusual decision. About three weeks before her due date, Szabo moved nearly six hours away from their home in Page, Arizona, to Phoenix to give birth at a hospital that does permit women to have VBACs.

In the end, the Szabos got the birth they wanted. On December 5, their son Marcus Anthony was born in Phoenix via an uncomplicated vaginal delivery, weighing seven pounds and 13 ounces.

Read more about the Szabos' fight to have the birth they wanted

Thanks for the link Kelly :)

Personalized message from Santa!

Your kids will love this! Thanks Jodi :)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Question of the week!

At what age did you first take your child(ren) to a movie in the theater? How was the experience, and any tips you can recommend to help them sit through the whole thing?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

New addition!

Joshua John

Born 12-3-2009 at 4:22pm
weighing in at 7lbs 6oz and 21 1/4 in long.

Congratulations Nicole & John
and proud big sister Molly!

Brown paper packages tied up with strings...

Green Tip: Americans throw away 78.5 million tons of packaging annually, making up roughly one third of all solid waste in landfills. It may be what’s inside the package that counts, but what’s outside matters too. Look for alternatives like recycled-paper wrap or make your “wrap” a gift in itself by giving your packages in reusable shopping bags. Lessen your environmental impact and save trees this season!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Question of the week...

What's on your wish list this season?

Friday, December 4, 2009