Saturday, November 7, 2009

Question of the week!

What do you find to be the most effective discipline method(s)? i.e. time outs, counting to x, spanking (gasp!), etc. Please include the age of your children and also let us know if you have any book recommendations on the subject.


christina said...

We are transitioning from the Terrible Twos to the apparently Super Terrible Threes - hence the question. I've read countless books in the last couple years and tried just about everything. I'm currently reading The New Strong Willed Child, and while I'm pretty sure no book or method is going to give me a quick fix at this point, it is at least reassuring to read the testimonials and know that I (we) are not alone...

Kelly O'Donnell said...

I can get her to do almost anything by the time i count to five because the first few times she didn't do what was asked (put shoes on, get in car seat, etc.) i physically did it for her, so one way or another it got done. in terms of punishment though, My child thinks i am HILARIOUS when I try to discipline...I find it not as funny. still trying to find a discipline that works...

Unknown said...

Time Outs use to work! But now that the kids are a little older we are taking away things that they like to do - TV, barbies, computer. This seems to be working and yes Santa is really watching this behavior is a good on for this holiday season.