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Motherhood: "The hardest job you will ever love!"
Philosophy: Through shared experiences, we believe women can learn and support each other while having fun!
Vision: While respecting the difference of each others' families, we can grow together.
Meetings: The club meets once a month. We will also have date nights, cooking classes, book clubs, charity work, play dates, and walking groups.
Suggested Meeting Topics: Nutrition, Vaccines, Child Development, Making Your Own Baby Food, Fashion, Skin Care, Interior Design, Personal Finance, Infant Massage, Love & Logic, Prenatal Care & Fitness, Marriage & Relationships, First Aid & Safety, Children's Literacy, Entertaining, Holiday & Children's Crafts, Gift Ideas, etc.
What To Think About For Each Meeting: Some of the meeting will take place in another location and will not be a standard meeting. For example, our September meeting will be our first "Date Night." For a standard meeting, please consider the following:
(Keep in mind, these are simply suggestions and we are not asking that you bring one from each category. Contribute as much as you wish! )
1. Gift Swap-Do you have a gift at home that someone else might find more useful? Bring it for our gift swap!
2. Pay It Forward-Have you read a really great article recently or any form of information that you would like to share with the group? If so, bring 20 copies to share at our next meeting!
3. Hot Tips-Have you heard of any fun fund raisers, cooking classes or any "Hot Tip" you want to post on our bulletin board to share with the group? If so, bring your tip with you to our meeting!
4. Idea Swap: Depending on the topic, it would be great if each guest brought an idea to share for our group conversation. Get your ideas down on paper and bring it along with you to the meeting to present to the group. If possible, make 20 copies to share or just bring your original and we can distribute copies for you at our next meeting.
Organizers: Amy & Danielle
About the Organizers: Danielle is a stay at home mom with three sons and a daughter. Amy is a part-time teacher with two sons. Both woman have bachelors and masters degrees in education.
Blog Discalmer: Information presented on this blog is believed to be accurate and reliable, however, NMF assumes no responsibility for any errors appearing in the information. Further, NMF assumes no responsibility for the use of the information provided. In some cases, the information may need to be updated. DO NOT RELY ON THE TEXT CONTAINED ON THIS WEBSITE IF THE PRECISE LANGUAGE IS IMPORTANT FOR YOUR PURPOSES.
Also, we welcome and appreciate various perspectives. Comments and postings are not necessarily the beliefs of all NMF members, if any. We believe we can learn and grow from being open to all.
I thought both my c-sections were easier on the baby and me. Less stress and pain (although i have nothing to compare it too). I give credit to those who go all natural, good for you!!!
I don't think either option is very good!! My 1st c-section was horrible, with a tough recovery, but my second one was great, which I contribute to the remedies I got from my homeopath. My chiropractor says that c-sections are actually tougher on the baby than vaginal births due to the shock of entering the world so abruptly, without the transition of the birth canal, but who knows...
I wish there were an easier way to birth a baby!
I think it's interesting to hear from women that have had one of each -I have a friend who had a VBAC and kind of got the raw end of the deal on both ends...with the c-section she could actually *feel* them cutting and with the VBAC she went too quickly to get the epidural she wanted. But she said she'd take the natural birth 100 times over before another c-section. I think primarily due to recovery time, but she also had been in labor/pushed a ridiculous amount of hours before having the C...I think these are the women I feel sorriest for!
I myself have had 2 vaginal births, 1st one with a fabulous epidural but a long time pushing, 2nd with an epidural that quickly wore off but baby came within 1/2 hr of pushing - I'd take that again in a heartbeat. Actually I secretly hope that if I have a 3rd I go too quickly to have an epi - I would love to go natural but am way too big of a wimp to "plan" for it.
I have only had c-sections... both after about 10 hours of labor. I only dialated to a 3-and I thought that was awful with no drugs- I am in awe of those who the distance!
My first seemed to have a longer recovery- about 10 days. My second was wonderful I was up moving around in hours. Maybe because it went through the same scar, it wasn't an emergency, I knew what to expect- who knows, but I thought it was easier.
Overall, I think that you have to put your thoughts and wishes aside when it comes to what is best for the baby. I had planned on a vag birth and it did not go as planned. However I still have two wonderful, healthy kids and that is what matters the most. I was given the job to bring these people into the world and whatever route was needed was the way it was meant to be, it was not about me.
On a side note- sex is fine after a c-section and you can have it sooner- if you are not COMPLETELY exhausted! :)
Speaking only from my experience:
Advantages of a C-section: You can plan ahead & sex sooner.
Disadvantages of a C: Longer recovery, not able to move around as fast, body is pumped with drugs.
On a side note, Nicole (who has now had both a vaginal and a c-section, said she would take a vaginal delivery anyday over a c-section.) It's interesting to hear from some one who has had both!
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