Monday, February 23, 2009

Question of the week!

Tell us about the first time your child was REALLY SICK or had their first SERIOUS INJURY. How did you deal with it? Any good tips for the rest of the parents on dealing with particular illnesses?


Kelly O'Donnell said...

We endured a nasty case of hand, foot and mouth disease in April and it was miserable. They get horrible blisters all over their hands and feet--there were a few on her soles that were the size of dimes! She looked like a little leper...we tried to give her lots of cold foods--popsicles and frozen fruit especially, since her throat had the blisters too. Other than that, there's not much you can do.

Haven't had any other serious illnesses thank goodness, and only a couple cuts from falling. I am okay with blood except when it is coming from her mouth and i am not sure if she knocked a tooth loose--that is my big fear. I can't handle loose or broken teeth!! It's always creeped me out!?!? So I hope it never happens...

Nine Months And Forever said...

There is nothing worse then having a sick child! I think the scariest illness we have endured is the first really high fever. Jake had a fever that climbed all the way to 104! It was terrifying! We rushed him to the E.R. in a panic. Since then, we have learned how to deal with these very high temps. Unfortunately, when my kids get sick, they run high fevers. We don't panic anymore but certainly worry, worry, worry!!!

Nine Months And Forever said...

I think the worst thing we had was not a illness but the first home accident we had. Our oldest got into a bottle of band-aid cut wash. We were not sure if she drank it but she came walking around the corner holding the bottle with no top. We took her right to the ER and they had to give her something to make her puke. NOT FUN, VERY SCARY. I went home and threw out pretty much everything i thought was "harmful".


christina said...

Agree w/ Danielle on the first really high fever. We spent one Christmas Eve in the ER when Charlotte was in the midst of 5-6 days of an unexplained high fever w/ no other symptoms...Dr's seemed to be guessing and trying to push antibiotics for strep when my gut told me that wasn't it. Sure enough, on the 7th day she broke out in a rash and it turned out to be Roseola. But not knowing for nearly a week makes your mind go to terrible places!! Even today, it is hard to get used to the fact that Dr's don't get too alarmed unless it goes over 104...I guess the good news is that it means their little bodies are working correctly to fend off the illness.