The word "doula" comes from the ancient Greek meaning "a woman who serves" and is now used to refer to a trained and experienced professional who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to the mother before, during and just after birth; or who provides emotional and practical support during the postpartum period.
Studies have shown that when doulas attend birth, labors are shorter with fewer complications, babies are healthier and they breastfeed more easily.
A Birth Doula
- Recognizes birth as a key experience the mother will remember all her life
- Understands the physiology of birth and the emotional needs of a woman in labor
- Assists the woman in preparing for and carrying out her plans for birth
- Stays with the woman throughout the labor
- Provides emotional support, physical comfort measures and an objective viewpoint, as well as helping the woman get the information she needs to make informed decision
- Facilitates communication between the laboring woman, her partner and her clinical care providers
- Perceives her role as nurturing and protecting the woman's memory of the birth experience
- Allows the woman's partner to participate at his/her comfort level
A Postpartum Doula
- Offers education, companionship and nonjudgmental support during the postpartum fourth trimester
- Assists with newborn care, family adjustment, meal preparation and light household tidying
- Offers evidence-based information on infant feeding, emotional and physical recovery from birth, infant soothing and coping skills for new parents and makes appropriate referrals when necessary
As someone who didn't have a doula but should have, I would highly recommend one for anyone attempting unmedicated childbirth. It's such a mental victory to have someone you can trust and is an "expert" with you at all times supporting you, as even the best labor nurse can't stay with you the whole time. Although it's a journey you truly take by yourself, looking back I would have definetly benefitted from a doula. And if anyone is worried that it would take away from hubby's role, dont' be--men are seriously second fiddle when you are attempting natural childbirth, be they husbands or doctors. You need a woman who has experienced what you are before and assisted many times, or at least i did (emotionally).
Natual child birth seems like such an amazing experience. I know very few people who went down this road. Kelly, I like how you called it a mental victory! When Nicole and I ran our marathon, this woman next to us, told us at mile 24, that this was so much like child birth. It forsure was more mental then physical at that point. Sooo Nicole, you have done both...what do you think? How do they compare?? :)
Even though, I did not have a choice in having c-sections, a part of me feels sad that I missed out on this amazing experience.
I guess we all winin the end!!! We all walk away with a beautiful miracle. :) :)
PS) M, thanks for the info.
Kelly, Your comment was wonderful! My husband dave is actually thrilled to have the doula you said, he hasn't the clue and neither do I! We will have to talk more about this at the next mom's group!
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