Monday, August 25, 2008

Question of the week!

How do you keep the spark alive in your marriage once kids come into the picture?


Jodi said...

Dave and I still make a point to go out for a nice dinner every few weeks. We are fortunate to have eager grandparents who like to watch Kara.

We also try most nights to sit down and relax with one another after we put her to bed.

Nine Months And Forever said...

"Family Naps", of course!!

Kelly O'Donnell said...

I'm thinking "couples therapy"!?!?! hahahaha......

Honestly, a night out to ourselves every month or so does go a long way.

Nine Months And Forever said...

No t.v. in the bedroom. This is our only opportunity to talk with out kids interupting, t.v., or computers. Danielle

Nine Months And Forever said...

I agree about the no TV in the bedroom- we've never had one, but sure enjoy "the luxury" of one in a hotel room :) But, in the bedroom is where Serge and I talk uninterrupted, and it is also nice when Gavin comes in in the morning and we get to chat and snuggle without the TV. -Amy