Sunday, June 29, 2008

Question of the week!

Your child is having a tantrum in public...what do you do???

How do you handle meltdowns in the grocery store or at a restaurant?


Unknown said...

Ooh, this is a good one...I'm back and forth, I will let her cry in the grocery store or mall without giving in to show her that crying in public does not get her what she wants. I figure in a grocery store, we are on the move enough that no one is stuck next to the crying baby for too long. Restaurants or church are a different story on that front, so we will usually do whatever it takes for her NOT to cry, or leave the restaurant entirely. I don't think it's fair to patrons who are paying for a meal out to intrude with a crying baby, regardless if it's a lesson for the baby or not.--Kelly o

Nine Months And Forever said...

Good advice Miss.Liza! :) I agree with the restaurant situation. Our love and logic class suggested you remove the child from the situation. We have had a meltdown in a restaurant and it was embarassing! We left! No fun for mom and dad but you gotta do what you gotta do! :) Danielle

Unknown said...

luckily, I have not had a major public meltdown-- yet, I am sure I have one coming. I think my plan will be to give in, if it is something small and will make her happy. And if that fails, or if she is just "done" we will leave.

Jodi said...

My dad has always said you have to stick to your word, even if you ultimately regret what you said. If you tell your child that you will leave the restaurant if they have another outburst, then you need to leave the restaurant if you do. My dad did that exact thing when I was about 3, and he said it gained him crediability with me and I never questioned him again on matters such as that.

My dad said the second you go back on your word with your child or change your mind, they will remember it forever...

:) Jodi