Sunday, March 2, 2008

Question of the Week for 3/3/2008

What is one way you save money?


Nine Months And Forever said...

I try to take Gavin to as many free activities at the public librarys around Novi. He loves all of the different activities that we find, and it's awesome that so many of them are free.

Jodi said...

I married an accountant! ha ha ha!

Nine Months And Forever said...

Buying Melalecua products has helped save us money! Danielle

Nine Months And Forever said...

Jodi, you crack me up! I'd have to say marrying a teacher did not help me in the money-saving department...we just spent $12,000 on another masters degree!

christina said...

Most people don't realize how much $ you spend on greeting cards every year! When I was off work last year, one thing I started doing to stretch a buck was to buy cards at Aco of all places. They are only $.50 and they have normal cute cards, just a smaller selection. When I couldn't find something appropriate I'd go elsewhere, but on months where I had lots of birthdays, or things like Mothers Day etc when you have several to buy, you can save a lot!