Monday, March 31, 2008

Question Of The Week! 3-31-08

What are some fun activities you did/do with your kids while cooped up indoors during the winter? Tell us the age group of your children as well.


Nine Months And Forever said...

Gavin (my almost 3-year old!) and I play with playdough a lot. We also make lots of sugar cookies, thanks to the 101 cookie cutters Aunt Tara bought him. We also dance and do exercises to get moving. Being cooped up is hard, which is why we also go lots of places like the bowling alley, Chuck E. Cheese, the mall, and the library. I can't stand being cooped up for too long!

Nine Months And Forever said...

Great ideas Amy! We have started coloring! We also like to put on music and dance. I am so looking forward to getting out and about soon!


Nine Months And Forever said...

I just learned of a fun new activity for when your kids are a little older. Every first Saturday of the month at Home Depot they have a free project for kids to do. This month is a flower planter that the kids build. They get a Home Depot apron and for each project they build, they get a star pin to put on it. Isn't that the cutest?? We are going to try our first activity this week :)

Steph said...

Liv is 5 and Gabe is now 9 months. We were in all winter due to his preemie status. We blew bubbles in the tub, used those bath crayons and took measuring cups up and played in the tub. We color and do playdoug as well as making a movie theatre out of the living room.