Saturday, February 9, 2008

Question of the Week, 2-11-2008

What type of vaccination schedule have you either followed or plan to follow with your children? Have you followed the doctor's schedule? Delayed vaccinations, administered one at a time, or avoided them altogether?


Kara said...

I have slightly ultered the twins' vaccination schedule...mainly delaying the MMR. I looked into separating the vaccinations, but the ped. did not typically do that; however, he was willing to support whatever I wanted to do.

christina said...

I too am delaying the MMR, probably until Charlotte is 3. She is tiny for her age, we have a family history of auto-immune diseases, and after a bad reaction from her last vaccine "bundle" (a week of an unexplained high fever & conflicting diagnoses), I am just not comfortable giving her the MMR at 15 months. I also will hold off on chicken pox until she's closer to school age.

I attempted to obtain the M/M/R vaccines separately...but have been on a wild goose chase btwn my dr's office, the main hospital, the county health dept, state health dept, Merck (manufacturer) and local distributers --all claiming I need to call another to inquire about a separate vaccine, which I still have not found! It is maddening...

I would highly recommend the book "What the Dr. May Not Tell You About Children's Vaccinations". It is not anti-vaccine, but just encourages parents to do their own research and not necessarily take everything your dr. advises at face value. The only bad thing is it's copyrighted in 2001 so some of the info is outdated. But I actually googled the author/dr. because I had further questions, and her office gave me her personal email--I was surprised that she responded to me w/in a couple days!

Jodi said...

I also delayed MMR for Kara. I am planning on waiting a year or two (Kara is currently 15 mos.). My ped. stated it would be no problem to order separate vacs as long as I give them 3-4 weeks notice before my Kara's appt.

I am not sure yet about Chicken Pox-- not that I would ever want Kara sick--- we all survived a week of discomfort, pretty much unscathed! My chicken pox scars are better that what else could happen...

Nine Months And Forever said...

Got love this topic!! I plan on delaying and separating the mmr, delaying hep. b, and not doing the chicken pox vaccine. With our new guy I may delay everything. Still undecided. I continue to research, research, research! I never feel qualified to make these decisions. Hoping I will make the right decisions. :)


Unknown said...

I think I am delaying our daughter's MMR shot too...and I plan to question more rigorously some of the vaccines for our next baby (Isn't Hep B an STD? Why does my newborn need this?)Unfortunetly, too many under-insured parents can't follow the recommended well-child schedule and so the only time the public health system can reach these children with vaccines is when they are in the hospital at birth or at visits shortly after. Imagine an uninsured single mother who is struggling to afford food or childcare--are well-baby visits at $125+ a pop PLUS shots really going to be in her budget? So our national vacinne schedule is, I think, skewed toward administration at an extremely young age, because they're not sure when or if they will see these high-risk kids again. Those of us who are fortunate to have healthcare options can, I think, safely deviate from the vaccine schedule a bit but I think alot of us never think to question why.

Kelly O'Donnell said...

As a follow-up, only 27% of U.S. children are up-to-date on their vaccines at the end of their first year...and you gotta believe most of those parents are not declining for religious or philosophical reasons. You can't blame the gov't for trying to keep kids protected when they are fighting a losing battle. I just wish they could trust parents enough to recommend safer (later) schdedules...

Nine Months And Forever said...

That is really interesting!!

christina said...

um looks like I could have saved myself some time (and sanity) had I talked to some of you girls first! Jodi, I need to get the name of your Ped so maybe they can help me obtain separate m/m/r shots when the time comes :)

Jodi said...

Hep B is not an STD, Hep C comes from that... Hep B can come from improper food handeling (bacteria). If contracted it can cause liver damage. My father-in-law had this many years ago... it is curable if caught in time.He spent about 3 weeks in the hospital. I also wonder how many babies can catch it. He works food trade shows and got it there.

Christina -- Dr. Surapeneni 734-542-0689 She is in Providence at 7 and Newburgh but will also have an office in the new novi building this summer. She has never pressured me on delaying and said it was no problem to separate them as long as there is enough time to preorder them from the drug co. Insurance DOES NOT cover them. However, I think they are maybe $50ish a piece. Call me if you have further questions.