Monday, December 10, 2007

Question of the Week! 12-10-07

How do you make the holidays special for your little ones?


Nine Months And Forever said...

The past 2 years, Gavin has been too little to really understand what Christmas is all about, but this year he definitely understands what presents are. Each year our family "adopts" a family in need to buy lots of presents for. This year, and for the years to come, we are going to take Gavin with us when we deliver the gifts. I think he will begin to understand the concept of "it is better to give than to receive" when he experiences it first hand. I know he's still little, but it will be a good start for him.

I worry about him growing up spoiled and always expecting extravagant gifts from Santa, us, and his grandparents. I love to buy him things, but don't want him to become a spoiled brat- does anyone have any suggestions on how to avoid this?

Jodi said...

Well, this year I hope Kara simply stays awake through part of the holiday.

I hope in years to come that we can do things together, such as make ornaments or gifts for others.

To me, Christmas is about the spirit of giving. I hope to pass this on to Kara. I have done the "adopting" at my work, but never on a personal level. That is a great tradition Amy, and one I think we will adopt (ha ha).

Happy Holidays NMF!!!